داستان آبیدیک

glad to hear it

glæd to hiɹ ɪt


1 general:: Phrase(s): (I’m) glad to hear it. a phrase expressing pleasure at what the speaker has just said. • Sally: We have a new car, finally. Mary: I’m glad to hear it. • Tom: Is your sister feeling better? Bill: Oh, yes, thanks. Tom: Glad to hear it.

McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs

معنی‌های پیشنهادی کاربران

مهراد قربانزاده 15 تیر 1401
I'm glad to hear that
3    0
علیرضایگانه شناس 8 آبان 1400
ازشنیدنش خوشحالم / خوشحال شدم ازشنیدنش
2    0
فاطمه 26 فروردین 1403
Glad to hear that. Sorry that sticker was by mistake.
1    0
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